When your days get full, but there’s still so much more to be done, what can you do?
Steal extra time from your sleeping hours? Rush around a little faster, multi-multi-task? Or… sleep more?
It may sound counterproductive to sleep more, giving you less time in the day to get things done, but depriving yourself of sleep doesn’t make life easier.
Stealing sleep hours to get more done is likely to backfire; aside from feeling cranky and miserable, lack of sleep adversely affects your health and your productivity—not to mention your level of happiness.
According to a study by researchers at the University of Chicago, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, not getting enough sleep affects weight loss. The group that slept 8.5 hours lost the most body fat; the group that slept 5.5 hours lost more fat-free body mass (mostly muscle).
Are you getting 8.5 hours of sleep a night? Okay, stop laughing now. (Actually, a really good laugh is also good for your health—so go on, laugh all you want, but read on…)
Our bodies are amazing. When your alarm clock is trying to wake you up and your body is screaming “NO!” – listen. Your body is beautiful and knows what it needs to function at its best. Listen to the messages your body gives you. Treat your body lovingly.
Getting enough sleep will increase your productivity, helping you to accomplish more in less time. You’ll feel better, think more clearly, be more focused, have more energy, and make better choices.
You deserve to get a good sleep every night; make it a priority.
Sleep Matters!
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