Take a Break Audio Summit
Do you want restful routines to reduce stress? Would you like to stop feeling overwhelmed and anxious? If so, this interview is for you, Simple Restful Routines to Reduce Stress & Anxiety. Learn how to plan some rest in your busy life and release stress.
I had the privilege of being interviewed by Marta Goertzen in the Take A Break Audio Summit, and she has graciously given me permission to share it with you. Please join us for a fun time in this friendly and informative session about mindfulness and restful routines, where you’ll receive insights and tools to achieve a greater sense of calm and rest in your life.
It’s Time for a Restful Plan!
Come immerse yourself in the moment and create a restful plan. Let mindful living bring you more joy and more peace. Learn what mindfulness is and how it can help you reduce stress, feel calmer, and navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.
This interview is perfect for women who are struggling to balance life, family, health, and work—especially if you’re running a business from home. Whether your days are structured or not, time can get swept away with responsibilities, interruptions, and even unproductive busyness. Developing a healthy habit of scheduling rest can bring balance and peace to your days. Come be encouraged and discover simple creative ways to be intentional about having restful habits so you can live your best life every day!
Don’t ignore your need for rest. Getting rest has many benefits and doesn’t need to take a lot of time. You can integrate rest into the things you’re already doing by being mindful. Listen now to discover how you can create restful routines to be a happier, healthier you.
Want Restful Routines to Reduce Stress? Listen to the interview here:

Thank you for joining us. Please share any takeaways in the comments, and restful routines that work for you.
About Marta Goertzen
Marta is the host of the Take a Break Audio Summit. She is also the author of: The Be Still picture books, The Daily Quiet Time Journals, An Invitation to Pause Journals, the Easy Coloring Books series, and the Grateful Friday weekly newsletter. You can learn more about Marta on her website, Selah Studios, where she helps solo entrepreneurs find the clarity and direction they need to design a restful and sustainable business.
“Simple, practical, restful routines are possible in the midst of life and running your business.” Marta Goertzen
Check out Marta’s blog to learn more simple restful routines to reduce stress and anxiety.
Bonus Gift
Here’s the bonus gift for listeners of this summit call: an 18-page scripture printable bundle with coloring pages, lettering practice sheets, a prayer journal, and a puzzle. Let Us Rejoice Bundle: PSALM 118:24
Thank you to CJ and Shelley Hitz, for providing this bundle. To see more of their resources, check out their Book Marketing Shop.
Mindfulness Exercise: Calm and Relaxed

Here’s a link to the gift we talked about in the interview. It’s an mp3 recording and pdf of the Mindfulness Exercise: Calm and Relaxed from my book, Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm. It’s to help you have a mini break, release stress, be present, and feel good now. Get your free recording here.
I hope you enjoy this audio version of the Mindfulness Exercise: Calm and Relaxed.
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