Receive the Fresh Start of a New Day!

Mindful Moments with God

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Enjoy the fresh start of a new day! Be thankful and choose to fill this day with hope and joy.

God loves you and has a wonderful plan for you. His plan will prevail even through the darkest times and through the darkest emotions. Use this new day to release the old and take hold of the new things God has in store for you. Slow down and be present as you pray, read Scriptures, and spend time with God.

Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly. Ask God to fill you with peace as you think about things you have to be grateful for. If you’re going through challenges or emotional turmoil, getting present and paying attention to something good—no matter how small can help.

Live in the Present Moment

Live in the present moment and be open to the Holy Spirit’s presence. Deepen your connection with God as you not only pray, but also listen. Focus on these mindful moments and pay attention to the calming flow of your breath going in and out. Receive God’s guidance, peace, and abundant blessings. This new day is an opportunity to receive a fresh start. Don’t let yesterday’s troubles or fears stop you from experiencing life fully today.

At the end of any difficult day, choose to rest. Check out Mindful Moments with God: A Prayer for Restful Sleep for a bedtime prayer. Believe in God’s good plan for you and don’t give up.

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” ― Mary Anne Radmacher

As you commune with God in quiet reverence, remember that within you resides the power to manifest the dreams that God has planted in your heart. Savour the divine wisdom found within the pages of the Bible, allowing its timeless teachings to bring you guidance, peace, and comfort. God’s plan for your life is good; listen closely and trust in it. Feel the goodness that surrounds you, enjoy everyday blessings and extract joy from each moment.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

A Dose of Calm – Let’s Pray 🙏

A Prayer for the Fresh Start of a New Day

May this prayer fill you with hope. May it inspire and encourage you as you go through this wonderful new day with God. Quiet your mind as you pray and listen for God’s guidance.

Dear God, thank you for this new day. Fill it with joy, peace, and the excitement of Your presence. Guide me with wisdom and love as we journey through this day together. Let Your miracles unfold and surround me with Your unfailing love in every moment. In the wonderful name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Scripture for a New Day!

Let the morning bring me word of your
unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 143.8 NIV

Get Your Copy of This Mindful Moment

Click here to download a pdf copy of Mindful Moments with God: Receive the Fresh Start of a New Day! You can print it or save it on your phone so you can enjoy reading the scripture and prayer each new day. Get comfortable as you spend time with God and allow yourself to receive His peace. Relax and enjoy calm mindful moments.

mindful moments with God receive the fresh start of a new day

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Mindfulness Gift

To receive more mindful moments and a FREE recording of the Mindfulness Exercise: Calm and Relaxed from my book, Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm, sign up for my newsletter here.

My Books

Mindfulness From Chaos to Calm by Lana H Allen

Learn how to let go of stress and relax, so you can be calmer, happier, and healthier. Check out Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm, where you’ll discover simple steps to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of peace. You can be calm and get through whatever you’re going through. Don’t allow your worries and concerns to keep you stuck in anxiety and fear. Get your copy of Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm today and learn how to live a simpler, more joyful life now. Try the audiobook and listen your way to calm.


Love Yourself Being You by Lana H Allen

How you feel matters. And how you feel about yourself matters more than you think. Learn how to give yourself the forgiveness and love you need right now, so you show up being the incredible person you are! Grab a copy of, Love Yourself Being You: A Way to Live Your Best Life (Quiet Your Mind, Eliminate Stress, Find Inner Peace), and learn how to apply real-life techniques to help you be happier, healthier, and confident. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are valuable! (Also available in audiobook.)


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